Sheila Mulrennan

Sheila Mulrennan, Founder

Featured in a survey of “100 Leading Women” in Business Insurance, Sheila is the nation’s foremost specialist in historic insurance reconstruction. Under her direction, IAG has pioneered many of the methods now commonly used to reconstruct missing policies. Sheila’s substantial experience in the insurance industry over the past 40 years and her extensive contacts among brokers, risk managers and insurance carriers have made IAG the leader in this field.


As corporate legal liabilities have escalated, Sheila has broadened the scope of IAG’s services to include the reconstruction of an entire portfolio of historic insurance assets. In addition to discovering evidence of missing policies, IAG charts corporate histories and corresponding insurance programs, assists clients and outside counsel in related research, and organizes key insurance records in accessible and user friendly systems. Finding the most historic assets and creating efficient systems to store and access information has enabled IAG’s clients to maximize insurance recoveries for a wide variety of liabilities.


Sheila has published numerous articles on the benefits of conducting historic audits and explaining the techniques to research both corporate histories and missing policies. Her articles have appeared in trade journals, books, insurance industry web-sites, including Coverage, an American Bar Association publication, and other prominent publications such as The John Liner Review and The Bureau of National Affairs. Sheila has also been featured in Fortune Magazine “On the Rise”, the Financial Times, Newsday, and the Washington Times. She has appeared in televised programs produced by the BBC and CPCU.


After obtaining a B.A. in Psychology and an M.A. in History from the University of Memphis, Sheila worked in casualty insurance claims and later in London as a specialist in insurance archaeology. While in the UK, she learned the history and intricacies of the London insurance market. She has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Professional Insurance Women and is a frequent speaker to insurance, legal and corporate audiences regarding insurance archaeology.